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Applicator Training & Recertification

Once I am certified, how do I remain certified?

Commercial, Non-commercial and Government applicator certificates are renewed annually, with the submission of the appropriate renewal paperwork, usage report, and fees. Mid-November, paperwork is mailed to each applicator, or their employer,  to renew for the following year.

Private applicator certificates are renewed every (5) five years.

All certification exams remain valid for a period of 5 years. During those five years, commercial, non-commercial and government applicators must earn sixteen (16) recertification credits in the appropriate certification category or categories in order to renew their exams for another five years. Private applicators must earn eight (8) recertification credits to renew their exams for another 5 years.

Applicators that have not earned the required number of credits must re-take the exams in order to remain certified.

How do I earn re-certification credits?

Credits are earned by attending meetings/courses (in and out of Vermont) that are approved for credit by the Certification & Training (C & T) Coordinator or by completing and returning the quizzes from the semi-annual newsletter, The Pesticide Applicator newsletter, past issues linked below.

Find a list of recertification credit meetings that have been approved by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture at: Pesticide Applicator Meeting Search. Courses for pesticide credit are submitted throughout the year so please check the meeting search periodically to view the most current course offerings.

Vermont has credit reciprocity with all New England states. If you attend a course in a state other than Vermont, be sure you send a copy of your signed attendance form (issued by the Pesticide Authority in the state where the training was held) to the Vermont Agency of Agriculture as soon as possible after the training.

Always keep a copy of your credit attendance forms for your own records.

How do I determine how many pesticide credits I have?

Here is where you can check your pesticide credits (you need the last 4 digits of your certificate number (i.e. "4287") and your last name).

Submitting Courses for Pesticide Continuing Education 

Please follow program guidance to submit and receive approval for on-site, webinar, and online courses. The Agency requires that submissions be made no fewer than 15 days before the scheduled event. Sixty (60) clock minutes of relevant subject matter is the equivalent of one  (1) Vermont pesticide credit. Partial credit hours are not approved, nor accepted by the Vermont Certification and Training Program.

The Pesticide Applicator newsletter

UVM Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) online courses