Since 2017 golf courses are also required to have a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP), perform soil testing, nutrient recordkeeping and reporting, and apply fertilizers based upon soil test results and University recommendations.
Questions about Vermont Golf Course Permits should be directed to Matthew Wood, Golf Course Permit Specialist, 802-318-1383,
The Permit Process
Starting in 2018, the process of permitting golf courses changed, including the annual renewal of all golf course permits. Pesticide active ingredients that were currently approved for use on a course remained approved, and did not need to be re-applied for.
Each Fall, Vermont golf courses must report their fertilizer and pesticide use, and sign the renewal form, to renew their permit for the following year. The pest control products and amounts currently on the permit will be carried forward to the coming year, but if the use of a new active ingredient is desired or an increase in the amount of a currently permitted active ingredient is needed, then the “Vermont Golf Course Dilution Worksheet” below should be used to request that change (see Pesticide Information below).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How many soil tests do I need to do for my Nutrient Management Plan (NMP)?
A: Golf course managers only need soil sample results from areas of the course that will receive fertilizer, so for example, if fairways will receive no fertilizer, then they do not need to be soil tested.
Samples should be representative of the area to be fertilized, so if all greens were constructed the same way and have been managed the the same way, then one could sample from some of those and combine into one sample. On the other hand, if some greens are “push up” native soil and others are sand based, then combine soil from samples of the similar greens to make a representative sample of each type. One combined sample from a few of the push-up greens and another combined sample from a few sand based ones would be appropriate. Same for tees and fairways. You, the superintendent, would know best which ones are similar in soil and management and therefore can be combined, but you must explain this reasoning in your nutrient management plan narrative.
The requirement is for golf course fertilizer use to be based upon soil test results no more than 3 years old, so as long as you do it at least every three years, then you will always have recent soil test results to base your fertilizer use upon.
Q: Do I need to use UVM soil testing lab?
A: No, we do not require that you use the UVM Ag. testing lab for your soil testing, but the benefit of using UVM is you will get the Vermont-specific golf course turf fertilizer recommendations built into your soil test report when you get it back from UVM. As long as you use the proper crop codes to indicate golf course turf there will be no need for you to then interpret the results and figure out how it translates into acceptable fertilizer use on the golf course.
Q: Do I send my soil test results in to the Agency of Agriculture when I renew my Golf Course Permit?
A: No, please DO NOT send soil test results in to the Agency of Agriculture. When you receive results of your soil tests, review them carefully, base your fertilizer use upon those results, and keep those soil test reports in a file with your golf course Nutrient Management Plan (NMP). The golf course permit inspector will want to review those soil test results, along with your nutrient management plan and pesticide use records, when a routine inspection is conducted. Golf course inspections may be un-announced.
Q: I'm a COMMERCIAL APPLICATOR (e.g. Landscaping Company with category 3B applicators) that applies pesticides on a golf course as a sub-contractor. How do I handle the pesticide records and end-of-year reporting?
A: All pesticide use on a golf course must be recorded and the records kept at the golf course so they get tallied and reported with the golf course's permit renewal paperwork at the end of the season. Keep them separate from your other daily pesticide application records of pesticide use on your other customer's properties. At the end of the season report only your non-golf course pesticide use on your annual usage report and make sure that the golf course reports their pesticide usage when they renew their permit, that way the pesticides won't be double-reported.
- Golf courses have their own pesticide record keeping requirements, different than commercial applicators. The pesticide record form for golf courses is below.
- Each golf course's permit outlines what pesticide active ingredients can be used on the golf course, and in many cases limits how much active ingredient can be used in a season. Also there are other limits on pesticide use on VT golf courses that are beyond what the label requires, such as how close to surface water a pesticide can be applied, so check the golf course's permit before applying any pesticide. Contact the golf course permit coordinator with any questions.
Resources for Golf Course Superintendents
Golf Course Regulations (The Rule) - Excerpt from the Vermont Rule for Control of Pesticides - Chapter 012
Golf Course Regulations 2023 (PDF) – Pages 19-23 of the Vermont Rule for Control of Pesticides effective 2/24/2023 covering the golf course permit requirements.
Presentations for reference
PowerPoint on storage requirements as presented to VTGCSA 2023 End-of-Year meeting.
Pesticide Information – How to request an amendment to your golf course permit
Vermont Golf Course DILUTION Worksheet (2025-0131).xlsx (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet) - performs calculations needed to amend golf course permits with non-prescreened products (can also be used to request prescreened products). Please follow instructions on the first tab of this spreadsheet carefully before submitting this to the Golf Course Permit Specialist.
Pre-Screened List (pdf) (Updated January 2022) - The list of pesticides that can be added to the golf course permit without performing the dilution calculations. Use is limited by the product label only if all active ingredients in the product are PRESCREENED. One must still apply to the Golf Course Permit Specialist to add these to your Golf Course Permit by submitting the following information:
- product name and all active ingredients contained
- EPA Registration number
- location of application (tees, greens, fairways, roughs, etc.)
- proposed application rate
- proposed number of acres per treatment
- proposed number of applications per year
(You may use the dilution calculations spreadsheet above to request prescreened products, but not required)
Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) Information
For a list of all requirements, see “Golf Course Regulations” above.
Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) Help – The NMP part of the regulations, with tips on how to write that section following each. Also use the fertilizer recommendations for golf turf below to help in writing your nutrient management plan narrative.
Fertilization and Nutrient Management Guidelines for Golf Turf in Vermont
by Dr. Sid Bosworth, Emeritus Extension Professor, University of Vermont.
UVM’s Agricultural and Environmental Testing Lab Website (A great place to get your soil tested)
You are not required to use UVM, but this lab will test soil and provide fertility recommendations specific to golf course turf in VT and as required by The Rule. Forms can be downloaded from this site. Codes to indicate 'golf course turf' can be found on the back of the order form.
Nitrate Leaching Index Instructions (2024).pdf- how to find yours in 12 easy steps!
Vermont Natural Resources Atlas - use this site to find the Nitrate Leaching Index and drinking water well information.
These are not required, but using them and completing them properly will ensure that you are following the pesticide and fertilizer record keeping requirements under The Rule. Remember these records need to be maintained for 5 years. Updated December 2017.
Use one or the other for pesticide records:
VT GC Daily PESTICIDE Records (pdf)– for printing and keeping paper records or using as a fillable electronic form
VT GC Daily PESTICIDE Records (xls) – excel spreadsheet to download for keeping electronic records.
Use one or the other for fertilizer records:
VT GC Daily FERTILIZER Records (pdf) – for printing and keeping paper records or using as a fillable electronic form
VT GC Daily FERTILIZER Records (xls) – excel spreadsheet to download for keeping electronic records.
Pesticide Application Posting Sign for Golf Courses - post this completed sign in the clubhouse or at the first tee before each pesticide application takes place, and leave it there for at least 24 hours after completion of the application. Pesticides include all insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and plant growth regulators. Use the excel version to add your own golf course info before printing, or print out the .pdf file and hand write the info each time. Use of this actual sign is not required, but the posting of all this pesticide information is.
Golf Course Pesticide Notification Sign (Excel)
Golf Course Pesticide Notification Sign (.pdf)
Online Permit Renewal Form
Click on the Google Form link below to start. You don’t need a google account to complete this. You’ll need to report your pesticide and fertilizer use for the most recent season on the two forms fillable forms below and email them to the Golf Course Permit Specialist when you submit the online renewal form. Complete your reporting forms before you start the online form.
Download the Pesticide Reporting Form (fillable PDF)
Download the Fertilizer Reporting Form (fillable PDF)
There are instructions on the form for how to have a board member sign it if they aren’t present.
Don’t renew until you are done all of your pesticide and fertilizer applications for the year.
Questions? Contact Matthew Wood, Golf Course Permit Specialist | | 802-318-1383