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Dosage Form Animal Health Products

Dosage Form Animal Health Product means  "any product intended to affect the structure or function of the animal's body or enhance or support the health or well-being of livestock, poultry, dogs, cats, or other domestic animals that does not provide nutritional benefit, does not require a prescription from a licensed veterinarian, is not intended for cosmetic purposes, or is exempted by the Secretary by rule." Products that are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are not considered to be dosage form animal health products in the state of Vermont and do not need to be registered.  This program provides for the registration, inspection and analysis of all dosage form animal health products sold in Vermont. 

Dosage Form Animal Health Product Labels

Per Vermont Statute, all dosage form animal health products sold in the state of Vermont must be registered with proper labeling. Please review our Dosage Form Animal Health Product Label Registration Guidelines to make sure your label is compliant. You can find a sample of an acceptable dosage form animal health product label here.

Dosage form animal health product and feed supplement labels are similiar, but different. For more information consult  DFAH or Feed Supplement. 


Dosage Form Animal Health Product Fees

Manufacturers and dealers of dosage form animal health products are required to register their products with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets. The annual registration fee is $35 per product. The registration year is April 1-March 31st. There are no tonnage fees associated with dosage form animal health products. 


Dosage Form Animal Health Product Application

The Application for Registration of Dosage Form Animal Health Products is used to register dosage form animal health products. Please use this application for new products or products that have changed the product name, company name, guarantees or ingredients. Please do not use this application to renew products. In February of each year we generate a computerized form that lists all the products that you need to renew.

Dosage Form Animal Health Product Application

Dosage Form Animal Health Product Fillable Application



For Vermont specific questions consult our Frequently Asked Questions or call 802-828-5050 or email

Link to National Animal Supplement Council



Related Rules and Regulations

6 VSA Chapter 26-Commercial Feed Laws