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Seed Program

The Seed Program is a consumer protection program to ensure seed products meet germination rate and purity as stated on the label and as required by Vermont Seed Laws and the Vermont Seed Rule

The program also compiles reports provided by distributors on genetically engineered and treated seeds distributed in Vermont.

Seed Program FAQ

2023 Vermont Annual Seed Report

2022 Vermont Annual Seed Report

Reporting by seed distributors

Registered distributors will receive a copy of the tonnage report form with your seed dealer renewal form. Tonnage is due no later than January 15th. If you have misplaced your tonnage report form, you can download a blank seed tonnage form.

For seeds distributed in Vermont, an annual seed reporting form must be filed with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets regarding the quantity of treated and untreated seeds, and quantities of genetically engineered seeds.  Reporting is now combined into a single report form for ease of use.  These reports are due no later than February 15th

Download the annual seed reporting form.  Please fill out the form completely, or report zero sales in Vermont. 

Seed Labels
Per Vermont Statute, all seeds sold in the state of Vermont, must have a label or tag on all containers. For further information on label requirements please review our Seed Label Requirements.

Annual Registration of Seed Distributors

Seed distributors are required to register with the Agency.  If you are a new distributor, please use this form, Seed Application.pdf.

Renewal forms for existing distributors are mailed out in November each year. 

The annual base registration fee is $85 for new registrations and renewals. Seed tonnage fees are assessed annually based on reporting- $10 per ton for seeds sold in containers greater than 10 pounds.  


Best Management Practices for Treated Seed *

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) – Crop Life America (CLA) The Guide to Seed Treatment Stewardship. ASTA_SeedGuide_Farmers_Update2021.pdf (

Health Canada, Pollinator Protection and Responsible Use of Insecticide Treated Seed.  March 2015. treated_seed-semences_traitees-eng.pdf (

Honey Bee Health Coalition, Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Pollinator Protection in Field Corn.  February 2020. HBHC_Corn_022020.pdf (

Honey Bee Health Coalition, Best Management Practices (BMPs) to Protect Honey Bees and Other Pollinators in Soybean Fields.  February 2020. HBHC_Soybean_022020.pdf (

Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Stewardship Guidelines and Best Management Practices for Neonicotinoid Insecticide-Treated Seed. May 2019. Stewardship Guidelines and Best Management Practices for Neonicotinoid Insecticide-Treated Seed (

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Disposal of Treated Seeds.  April 2022.  Treated Seeds (

Stoner, K. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Best Management Practices for Farmers Using Seeds Treated with Neonicotinoid Insecticides.  BMPHandlingNeonicotinoidTreatedSeedspdf.pdf (

*Disclaimer: it is advised that some of the statements given in these references may not be applicable in Vermont or the U.S. If you have any questions on the content of these references, contact VAAFM.

Related Seed Rules and Regulations

6 VSA Chapter 35 - Vermont Seed Laws

Vermont Seed Rule

Contact Information

If you have questions call 802-828-5050 or email

Unsolicited Seeds

Protecting the environment from unsolicited seeds.