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Vermont Milk Handler License

6 V.S.A §2721 (a) The secretary may classify and issue licenses to milk handlers to carry on dairy product handling businesses including the purchase, distribution, or sale of milk or milk products, processing or manufacturing of milk or milk products, including the pasteurization of frozen dessert mixes, transport of milk and milk products, bargaining and collecting for the sale of milk and milk products, and dealing in or brokering milk or milk products.

There are exceptions. The following do not need a Vermont Milk Handler’s License:

  1. Farmers do not need a license to sell their own raw milk to a licensed handler.
  2. Hotels and restaurants do not need a license to sell dairy products for consumption on their premises provided all of their dairy products are from licensed milk handlers.
  3. Stores do not need a Vermont Milk Handlers License to sell milk at retail provided all of their dairy products are from licensed milk handlers.
  4. Farmers selling raw milk direct to consumers under 6 V.S.A. Chapter 152 do not need a license.  See the Laws and Regulations page for more details.
  5. Holders of a Frozen Dessert License who only make frozen desserts from pasteurized frozen dessert mix do not need a license.

The cost of a license varies with the daily capacity of the facility and is based on the greatest capacity that a facility is likely to handle on a particular day rather than on an average production. The pound levels for a firm would be based on the total pounds of milk or milk products bought, sold, collected, transported, dealt or brokered in a day. For those that process milk, the pound level would be based on the pounds of milk processed rather than on the pounds of product made.


Application and fee schedule