Farmers and Custom Applicators
Four hours of Agricultural Water Quality Training is now required every five years for CSFO, MFO and LFO operators, and eight hours every five years for Certified Custom Manure Applicators and Nutrient Management Technical Service Providers.
Each hour of training counts as a "credit". If an individual is both a CSFO, MFO or LFO operator and a custom applicator, attending trainings approved for Agricultural Water Quality Training can count towards training credit requirements for both roles. Always be sure to sign in at Agricultural Water Quality Training events so that your participation is recorded and counted towards your training requirements!
AAFM partners with organizations such as UVM Extension and local Conservation Districts to offer education and training opportunities. When in doubt about whether attendance at an event counts towards your operation or custom applicator training requirements, or if you are looking for upcoming training opportunities, contact the event coordinator or your local UVM or District coordinator. Lindsey Ruhl from UVM Extension is a major organizer of training opportunities and can be contacted at (802) 524-6501.
All farms, custom manure applicators, and nutrient management technical service providers shall maintain a record of completed trainings. The record shall be maintained for five years and indicate date of training, title of training, number of training hours, and who attended the training.
See the following list of opportunities with information on #credits, links to access online, and how to document participation:
Online RAP Quiz (2 credits): | Maintain quiz results as a completion record
Manure Management E-Course (2 credits) | Maintain certificate of completion as a record
Manure Injection Webinar (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and maintain as a completion record
Overview of Nutrient Management and Required Agricultural Practices – NMP Lesson 1 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and maintain as a completion record
Nutrient Flows: pH, CEC, and Phosphorus – NMP Lesson 2 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and maintain as a completion record
Nutrient Flows: Nitrogen Sources, Cycling, and on your Farm – NMP Lesson 3 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and maintain as a completion record
Reading Soil Tests – NMP Lesson 4 (1 credit)| Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and maintain as a completion record
Potassium and Micronutrients – NMP Lesson 5 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and maintain as a completion record
Event Providers
If you/your organization is holding an educational training or event, water quality credits for farm owners or operators can be awarded to attendees. Please complete the application at least 30 days prior to the event and a committee will evaluate its applicability for water quality training credits and determine the number of hours awarded.
To be considered as Water Quality Training Credit, four hours of which is required by Certified Small, Medium, and Large Farm Operations every 5 years pursuant the Required Agricultural Practices (6 V.S.A. Chapter 215 § 4981), Training shall provide information regarding:
(1) The prevention of discharges;
(2) The mitigation and management of stormwater runoff;
(3) Statutory and regulatory requirements of the operation of a large, medium, or small farm and financial resources available to assist in compliance
(4) The mechanical application of manure or nutrient and methods or techniques used to minimize the runoff of applied manure or nutrients to waters of the state;
(5) Weather and soil conditions that increase the risk of runoff of manure or nutrients to waters of the State; and
(6) Standards for nutrient management including nutrient management planning.
NEW for 2021: If you recorded a live webinar that was approved for Water Quality Training credit and would like the opportunity for farms and/or custom applicators to receive an equivalent amount of credit by watching that webinar online and taking a quiz, please contact for permission.
Grant Funding to Support Education: For Organizations, Farmers, or Businesses
Complete the Educational and Instructional Activities Application to apply for grant funding for educational or instructional activities through the Farm Agronomic Practices (FAP) program.