On June 1, 2021, Governor Scott signed Act 49 into law and the Agricultural Innovation Board (the Board or AIB) was created. The Board is tasked with thirteen separate charges (Table 1). The Board has input in five additional areas of potential rulemaking, centered on developing recommendations for regulations establishing best management practices (BMPs) for seeds treated with insecticides used in Vermont agriculture (Table 2). The establishment of the Board and its responsibilities are codified at 6 V.S.A. §§ 1105a and 4964(a)-(d). Pursuant to the enabling legislation, the Board shall provide an annual report to the General Assembly that recommends policy solutions to help farmers reduce their use of and exposure to pesticides, and to encourage the utilization of innovative or alternative practices. Throughout 2024, the AIB addressed its responsibility to develop a policy recommendation for the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets regarding BMPs for the use of neonicotinoid treated article seeds and neonicotinoid pesticides (6 V.S.A. § 1105a). This document is the Board’s annual report containing this recommendation, as well as a description of the Board’s work, and an outline of the planned work for the coming year.
The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) respectfully submits this report as required under Section 8 of Act 41 enacted on May 20, 2021, addressing the importation of food residuals for farming as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6001(22)(H).1 Specifically, this report addresses the following: (1) an inventory of the operators of farms that are producing compost under 10 V.S.A. § 6001(22)(H), including the estimated volume of food residuals imported onto farms; (2) a status report on the rulemaking required under 6 V.S.A. § 5133 and any subsequent amendment to those rules; (3) an accounting of any complaints regarding or enforcement actions brought against a farm producing compost under 10 V.S.A. § 6001(22)(H); and (4) any additional information that the Secretary determines is relevant to the administration of compost production under 10 V.S.A. § 6001(22)(H).
State FY 2024 Annual Report on Financial and Technical Assistance for Agricultural Water Quality (PDF)
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) presents this annual report to the General Assembly of Vermont regarding activities in support of the objectives of Subchapter 3: Water Quality; Financial and Technical Assistance of 6 V.SA. Chapter 215, including use of State, federal, and private funds.
FY24 Farm to School and Early Childhood Program Legislative Report (PDF)
The Vermont Farm to School and Early Childhood Program was created in 2006 with the passage by the Vermont legislature of the Rozo McLaughlin Farm to School Act. The intent of the program is to “execute, administer, and award local grants for the purpose of helping Vermont schools develop farm-to-school programs that will sustain relationships with local farmers and producers, enrich the educational experience of students, improve the health of Vermont children, and enhance Vermont’s agricultural economy” (6 V.S.A. § 4721).
Working Lands Enterprise Initiative Impact Report (PDF)
Since 2012, the Working Lands Enterprise Initiative has supported Vermont agriculture and forestry businesses with vital investments that have helped grow their businesses and economic impact. With $18.8 million invested in 555 farm, food and forestry projects, and an additional $30.9 million leveraged in matching funds, the Working Lands program has played an important role in the growth of Vermont’s rural economy. The WLEI Board has released the latest Impact Report detailing the significant outcomes from the entire 12 years of the program. The report contains specific details of the funding in fiscal year 2024, including special funds allocated to the program from the American Rescue Plan Act and a one-time pool of funds approved by the Vermont legislature specifically for small farm diversification and transition projects.