Introduction to the Custom Applicator Certification Program:
As part of Act 64 signed into law of June 2015, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) was directed to require training and certification of custom manure applicators that operate within the State of Vermont. The Custom Applicator Certification Program was formalized with the passing of the Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs) in December 2016, which include training and certification requirements for custom applicators that operate within the State of Vermont.
Custom Applicator Definition:
A custom applicator is a person who is engaged in the business of applying manure or nutrients to land and who charges or collects other consideration for the service. All owner/operators or full-time custom applicators must be certified with VAAFM to operate within the state of Vermont. Seasonal, part time, or other employees of custom applicators must receive training on the Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs) and management practices to reduce risk of runoff when spreading manure.
The RAP Rule requires Custom Applicators:
- Be certified by VAAFM, certification lasts for 5 years but must be renewed annually
- Receive 8 hours of training each five-year period of certification
- Demonstrate knowledge of RAPs and all other applicable agricultural rules
- Train all their seasonal, part time, or other employees in methods or techniques to minimize runoff to surface water
- Maintain records of the amount of manure or agricultural waste applied by farm and field
To certify with AAFM, custom manure applicators must take a 2 hour training course on the Required Agricultural Practices and complete a certifying exam, either online or in person. In-person trainings and exams can be set up by emailing or calling (802) 522-7413.
To certify online complete the online UVM Training Course and Certifying Exam, save the Certificate of Completion, and email it to Brittany Cole at
Upon receipt of your Certificate of Completion, VAAFM will send you an invoice for the $30 certification fee.
Certification lasts for 5 years but must be renewed annually with a $30 fee per certified custom applicator due January 31st of each year. Certified Custom Applicators are required to have 8 hours of training in each 5-year period of certification.
Training and Opportunities:
Custom applicators certified by VAAFM are required to receive 8 hours of training every five-year period of certification. Seasonal, part time, and other types of employees are also required to receive training that address application methods to minimize runoff and identification of weather or soil conditions that increase risk of runoff.
VAAFM has partnered with UVM Extension to provide educational and training opportunities for custom applicators. For more information about manure management, training and educational opportunities, please contact Lindsey Ruhl from UVM Extension at 802-524-6501 or check out online options below:
Online RAP Quiz (2 credits): | Email quiz results to VAAFM
Manure Management E-Course (2 credits) | Email certificate of completion to VAAFM
Manure Injection Webinar (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and email to VAAFM
Overview of Nutrient Management and Required Agricultural Practices – NMP Lesson 1 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and email to VAAFM
Nutrient Flows: pH, CEC, and Phosphorus – NMP Lesson 2 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and email to VAAFM
Nutrient Flows: Nitrogen Sources, Cycling, and on your Farm – NMP Lesson 3 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and email to VAAFM
Reading Soil Tests – NMP Lesson 4 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and email to VAAFM
Potassium and Micronutrients – NMP Lesson 5 (1 credit) | Fill out this PDF Quiz on webinar content and email to VAAFM
Precision Dairy Farming Webinar Series: Moving and Organizing Data for Variable Rate Applications (1 credit) | Send an email to with two things you learned from the video.
Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community: Monthly webinars related to water quality (1 credit) | Send an email to with two things you learned from the video.
Soil Health Webinar Series (1 credit): Introduction to soil health indicators and testing with Dr. Heather Darby, Professor of Agronomy and Lindsey Ruhl, Research Specialist, Extension, University of Vermont | Send an email to with two things you learned from the video.
Soil Health Webinar Series (1 credit): Crushing It: Soil physical properties, compaction, aggregate stability, and soil health with Dr. Joshua Faulkner, UVM | Send an email to with two things you learned from the video.
Soil Health Webinar Series (1 credit): Biological Indicators: What, how, and why with Dr. Deborah Neher, Professor Emerita, UVM | Send an email to with two things you learned from the video.
Soil Health Webinar Series (1 credit): Is soil health connected to carbon persistence? What management practices promote long-term carbon storage? With Dr. Caitlyn E. Hicks Pries from Dartmouth College | Send an email to with two things you learned from the video.
It is the responsibility of the Certified Custom Manure Applicator to maintain a record of what trainings were attended, and provide the record to the Agency upon request.
Contact and Questions:
For questions about the Custom Applicator Certification Program and how to become a certified applicator in Vermont, please contact VAAFM:
Brittany Cole, Permitting and Nutrient Management Specialist: 802-522-7413 |
For questions or more information about education and training opportunities, please contact UVM Extension:
Lindsey Ruhl, Crops and Soils Coordinator, UVM Extension: 802-524-6501 |