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Farm To School and Early Childhood Request for Applications

This grant is intended to help Vermont-based early childhood providers and Vermont schools build and strengthen farm to school or farm to early childhood programs. Specifically, the grant is designed to support programs that are integrated throughout the classroom, the cafeteria, and the community – the 3 C’s of Farm to School. This grant is made possible by the Rozo McLaughlin Farm to School Act of 2006 (6 V.S.A. § 4721),

VT Directive 8010.4 Rev. 6 Report of Investigation

For use beginning 6/1/2022
This directive provides the methodologies that Meat Safety Compliance and Enforcement Specialist, investigators and other authorized Agency personnel (referred to hereafter as program employees) will apply when preparing a Report of Investigation (ROI). Program employees prepare an ROI to support findings of apparent violations, food safety incidents, or other allegations under the VT State statutes, Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA), the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA), the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA) (the Acts), and related rules and regulations.
• Describes the format and components of a ROI
• Updates the process for submission and review of the ROI
• Clarifies the process for referring and transferring a ROI
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