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Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center

2022 Multi-Business Dairy Agritourism Grant RFA

The Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC) announces the availability of funds through the Multi-Business Dairy Agritourism Grant Program, which will serve to elevate dairy businesses through agritourism across the Northeast region of the US. Projects funded through this program should engage multiple dairy businesses and promote the access and sale of regionally produced milk and related products.
Grants are available to applicants in all Northeast states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Quick Start Guide for Getting a Unique Entity ID (SAM)

You can get a Unique Entity ID (SAM) for your organization without having to complete a full entity registration. If you only conduct certain types of transactions, you may not need to complete an entity registration. Your entity may only need a Unique Entity ID (SAM).
If you want to only get a Unique Entity ID (SAM) and do not want to complete a full entity registration in This guide provides instructions for getting a Unique Entity ID (SAM) based on whether your business or organization already has a DUNS number or is registered in

Massachusetts Dairy Co-Packing Program Request for Proposals

The Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC) seeks a contractor to offer technical assistance for dairy farmers located in Massachusetts considering working with a co-packer to develop a farm-branded value-added product line.

The contract will be with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, host of the NE-DBIC. The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources is the partner organization and will be the primary point of contact for the contractor regarding the scope of work, farmer/processor contacts, and deliverables. Questions about the proposal should be directed to Rebecca Davidson via email at or by phone at 857-202-7699.
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