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State & Federal Resources

Please contact us if you have any flood related questions, concerns, or want to talk about your situation.  

Email -  | Phone - 802-828-2430

If your home or business has damage please report the damage and unmet needs to the Vermont 2-1-1 website This is not a guarantee of resources so reach out to your insurance company as well. If you are unable to use the Vermont 2-1-1 link please call 866-652-4636 or 802-652-4636 and leave a message if you get a voice recording.

Please be alert for potential fraud. All FEMA Agents must carry Agency Identification with them and must produce it if asked.


For Technical Assistance Providers:

  • Post Flooding - Technical Assistance Toolkit - There are a variety of state federal, and private or non-profit programs that may be helpful for farms affected by flooding. This resource contains a compilation of guidance, resources and contact information to support agricultural recovery from flooding.



FEMA Fraud Alert