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Dairy Operations

Please contact us if you have any flood related questions, concerns, or want to talk about your situation.  

Email -  | Phone - 802-828-2430

Dairy Operations

As a result of catastrophic flooding which continues to impact communities and roadways across Vermont, milk haulers are not able to reach all farms to pick up raw milk. Additionally, some milk processing plants may not be operating at full capacity due to staffing availability and access to processing plants. Below is guidance for all farms, co-ops, and haulers if this is a situation that they are experiencing. 

  • If you are required to dump your own milk or are accepting a load of milk from another farm operation, a manure pit is the best location to dump milk, assuming there is adequate pit capacity and freeboard requirements are maintained. Please ensure to maintain accurate records. 

  • If you are a co-op or a waste hauler looking to dispose of milk or other non-sewage waste at a farm operation into a manure pit or a digester, please contact Jessica Mason with the Non-Sewage Waste Program at 802-595-4726 or 

  • If there is an emergency where a farm does not have a manure pit and is required to find another alternative for milk dumping and is seeking assistance to identify an appropriate location, please contact Nate Sands at 802-224-6850 or