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Birding on the Farm - Brattleboro

Five Carrot Farm
118 Fairly Wild Way
Brattleboro, VT

Learn about farm habitat dynamics for birds, habitat management, wildlife conservation on the farm, as well as species identification from experienced bird guides.

This workshop series is open to birders and enthusiasts of all skill levels! Participants may bring binoculars with them, and weather appropriate dress and boots for walking are recommended. Register Here.


Agroforestry, Managing for Pollinators, and Planned Grazing in a Changing Climate

Maplemont, 2742 US-5 South, Barnet, VT

Join White River Conservation District, Dartmouth College Agroforestry Researcher Kristen Jovanelly, UVM Extension Pollinator Support Specialist Laura Johnson, and UVM Extension Grazing Specialist Amber Reed for a pasture walk focused on agroforestry, pasture rehabilitation, and pollinator and bird-friendly farming. Laura will talk about tips for supporting pollinators on farms including mowing patterns, fallowing, and forb and legume species selection. She will also talk about how to identify and monitor your pollinators. Amber will discuss her continuing experiments with pasture rehabilitation, and show how she incorporates trees into her grazing system. She will also cover grazing math and how to plan grazing in a changing climate. Kristen will talk about the myriad benefits and challenges of trees, different agroforestry systems, considerations of species and site selection as well as establishment and management. The group will discuss designing and managing agroforestry systems in the greater ecosystem of your farm. This workshop is free and open to the public. It is a workshop for the 2023-2024 Dairy Grazing and Agroforestry Cohort sponsored by Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center and USDA SARE.

To register, or for more information or to request a disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, call or email Amber Reed at 802-656-7608 or by August 15, 2024 so we may assist you.


Land Management for Resilience to Flooding and Heat Waves

International educator and author Didi Pershouse, who lives in the White River watershed, will discuss how to manage land (farms, yards, forests, meadows, etc.) to soak up water for better resilience to flooding, improve groundwater recharge, and create cooling oases during heat waves. These same strategies for local resilience can also contribute to regional and global climate mitigation while improving human and ecosystem health.

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