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VCAAP Impact Report

The Vermont State Legislature appropriated Coronavirus Relief Funds for the Vermont COVID-19 Agriculture Assistance Program (VCAAP) in Act 138 (S.351), Act 137 (H. 966), Act 120 (H.961), and Act 154 (H.969). The purpose of these grants was to stabilize agricultural businesses and organizations based on their lost revenues and expenses related to business interruption caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency. Learn more about VCAAP applications and awards in this report.

2021 Vermont Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Request For Applications (RFA)

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets announces the availability of grant funds for the purpose of enhancing the competitiveness of Vermont specialty crops including fruits and tree nuts; vegetables; culinary herbs, spices, and medicinal plants; nursery, floriculture, horticulture, and Christmas trees; honey; hops; maple syrup; and mushrooms. Projects funded through this grant program must benefit more than one specialty crop business, individual, or organization.

Act 129 - Vermont Local Food Definition

On July 2, 2020, Governor Scott signed Act 129 (H.656) into law. The legislation changed the definition of “local” and equivalent terms like “locally grown,” “local to Vermont,” and “made in Vermont” to better define Vermont food. The clarity should also help protect the value and craftsmanship of Vermont’s food and agricultural producers and processors. The new definition makes “local” synonymous with “Vermont” with respect to food products. It also offers opportunities to celebrate Vermont’s brand and recognize the value of buying Vermont products.
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