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VT Notice 50-24 Testing For Non-Listeria Monocytogenes Listeria Species
For Use Beginning 1/20/2025
This notice instructs inspection program personnel (IPP) at establishments that prepare or process Ready-to-eat (RTE) meat or poultry to notify the establishments that starting in the next few months, VAAFM will begin to include testing for non-Listeria monocytogenes Listeria species (non-Lm Listeria spp.) in all sampling projects that currently test for Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). This notice applies to all sampling projects that currently test product, food contact surface, or environmental non-food contact surface samples for Lm.
This notice also instructs IPP on the actions to take in response to a non-Lm Listeria spp. positive in a RTE meat or poultry sample.
This notice also instructs Enforcement, Investigations and Analysis Officers (EIAOs) on the actions to take in response to a non-Lm Listeria spp. positive in a RTE meat or poultry product, food contact surface, or non-food contact surface environmental sample.
This notice instructs inspection program personnel (IPP) at establishments that prepare or process Ready-to-eat (RTE) meat or poultry to notify the establishments that starting in the next few months, VAAFM will begin to include testing for non-Listeria monocytogenes Listeria species (non-Lm Listeria spp.) in all sampling projects that currently test for Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). This notice applies to all sampling projects that currently test product, food contact surface, or environmental non-food contact surface samples for Lm.
This notice also instructs IPP on the actions to take in response to a non-Lm Listeria spp. positive in a RTE meat or poultry sample.
This notice also instructs Enforcement, Investigations and Analysis Officers (EIAOs) on the actions to take in response to a non-Lm Listeria spp. positive in a RTE meat or poultry product, food contact surface, or non-food contact surface environmental sample.