Do you need a hand washing station at your farm, orchard, farmers market, or other agritourism business?
Have you been putting it off due to lack of funds, time, or direction? Now’s the time!
UVM Extension has funding to provide materials and technical support to help you make your hand washing station dreams come true. Handwashing is a good practice any time, but in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, it has really become even more important. We’ve been working on plans to make this job easier and now have funds to help move it along.
If you’re interested in funding support or just want some help building a hand washing station, fill out the short form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsoPqYvuE00yVOy8xzUP_N1wdIArS3z6bsMV6U584aj6doaA/viewform.
Questions about the project? Contact Chris Callahan, chris.callahan@uvm.edu, 802-447-7582 x256.