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Roadmap to Slaughter and Processing Activities

Farmers wishing to slaughter their livestock face an array of state and federal regulations
related to facility inspection and licensing. While the intentions of all of these policies are
noble ones (food safety, consumer confidence and public health), the volume and variety of
rules can create confusion for farmers.
The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (AAFM) has developed this chart to bring
some structure to all of these policies and help you visualize when certain regulations apply
to your operation.

2022 VT Maple 100 Bingo Card

How to Submit Your Bingo Card:

Post pictures completing each activity on the Bingo sheet on Instagram and use #vtmaple100 and #maple100bingo. Or email the pictures to Julia at with the subject line “Maple 100 Bingo.” Submissions are due October 15th by 11:59pm.

We will announce the winners shortly after!

*Note that by submitting your photos you are agreeing to allow us to use the photos in future promotions and share them in Agency of Agriculture communications.

AAFM Slaughter Diagram 2021

Farmers wishing to slaughter their livestock face an array of state and federal regulations
related to facility inspection and licensing. While the intentions of all of these policies are
noble ones (food safety, consumer confidence and public health), the volume and variety of
rules can create confusion for farmers.
The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (AAFM) has developed this chart to bring
some structure to all of these policies and help you visualize when certain regulations apply
to your operation.
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