PDF format documents
Post Flooding - Technical Assistance Toolkit
This toolkit contains guidance, resources and contact information to support agricultural recovery from flooding impacts.
Guidance for Meat and Poultry Handlers for Re-opening After Flooding
The information is for licensed meat and poultry handlers including commercial and custom slaughter and processing facilities, retailers, wholesale distributors, and warehouses. Take the following actions to re-open after damage to your facility and food stocks due to flooding and power outages. If you are a commercial processing facility working under a grant of inspection, please also see the requirements listed in 9 CFR § 318.14 Adulteration of product by polluted water; procedure for handling.
Custom Exempt Operations: Guidance and Checklist
This document summarizes some of the key considerations and requirements for new custom exempt meat processing businesses and will help you obtain a license with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Meat Inspection Program.
Retail Meat Processing Guidance 2024
This guidance document explains what the retail exemption from inspection is and outlines the licensing and facility requirments for processing meat and poultry as a retail vendor without the need for daily inspection.
VT Dirctive 5500.4 Rev 1 Products Intentionally Adulterated with Threat Agents
For use beginning 7/11/2024
This directive addresses instances in which the Emergency Management Committee (EMC) is activated to oversee situations involving product that has been intentionally adulterated with threat agents, such as biological, chemical, or radiological materials. This directive also provides inspection personnel with the verification activities that they will perform during the incident investigation.
This directive addresses instances in which the Emergency Management Committee (EMC) is activated to oversee situations involving product that has been intentionally adulterated with threat agents, such as biological, chemical, or radiological materials. This directive also provides inspection personnel with the verification activities that they will perform during the incident investigation.
A. This notice informs inspection program personnel (IPP) that, On May 1, 2024, FSIS published the final determination, Salmonella in Not Ready-To-Eat Breaded Stuffed Chicken Products (89 FR 35033), which states that not ready-to-eat (NRTE) breaded stuffed chicken products that contain Salmonella at levels of 1 Colony Forming Unit per gram (hereinafter, “1 CFU/g”) or higher are adulterated within the meaning of the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA). The determination is not effective until May 1, 2025.
B. This notice provides instructions to IPP at all establishments that produce NRTE breaded stuffed chicken products to update the Public Health Information System (PHIS) profile by August 31, 2024. This notice also instructs supervisory personnel to verify that the establishment’s PHIS profile information is complete and accurate by August 31, 2024.
C. Per 6 V.S.A. § 3305 (8), the federal meat inspection regulations and federal poultry inspection regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 3, 9 CFR §§ 300.1 et seq., together with any amendments, supplements, or revisions thereto, are adopted, for the State meat inspection program to operate in an ‘equal to’ status.
B. This notice provides instructions to IPP at all establishments that produce NRTE breaded stuffed chicken products to update the Public Health Information System (PHIS) profile by August 31, 2024. This notice also instructs supervisory personnel to verify that the establishment’s PHIS profile information is complete and accurate by August 31, 2024.
C. Per 6 V.S.A. § 3305 (8), the federal meat inspection regulations and federal poultry inspection regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 3, 9 CFR §§ 300.1 et seq., together with any amendments, supplements, or revisions thereto, are adopted, for the State meat inspection program to operate in an ‘equal to’ status.