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Consumer Protection Violations

The Consumer Protection Section of the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets inspects many agricultural products. For the first violation, an official notice is issued and each individual store location must send back a Report of Corrective Action Taken (RCAT) detailing how they will correct the problem. If continued problems are found in subsequent inspections, an administrative penalty may be issued and other action may be taken, including referral to the Vermont Attorney General’s Office for civil enforcement. Administrative penalties increase for repeated violations.

The Agency of Agriculture makes data regarding consumer protection violations available to the public for review. A record of retailers with the following violations can be found below.

  • Scanners – Price scanning systems charge a different price than is posted. Violations are over 2% errors.
  • Short Weight – The weight stated on the package must reflect the weight of the product only, excluding the weight of packaging.
  • Seals – Meters found with no security seals.
  • Short Measure – Meters deliver less than the amount on the meter.
  • Maple – Product found to be out of grade for density, color, clarity or flavor.
  • Eggs – Product found to be out of grade for size, cracks, dirty eggs, etc.
  • Paid – Paid Penalty / No Hearing
  • AOD – Assurance of Discontinuance
  • Pre Hearing – Meeting to discuss the violation and come to an agreement
  • Dismissed – Case dropped​