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View From 116 - A Vital Mission

April 2024 By Anson Tebbetts | Vermont Secretary of Agriculture

Facilitate, support and encourage the growth and viability of agriculture while protecting the working landscape, human health, animal health, plant health, consumers and the environment.” That’s our mission at the Vermont Agency of Agriculture. We have been sharing this statement with lawmakers and the public this year.  We must never forget our mission or who we serve.

We have spent the last few months on the road talking and listening to those who are making their living in agriculture. Our listening sessions in all corners of Vermont have been well attended and informative. We are grateful to all our partners who have helped us organize these meetings with the farm community. We have heard from maple producers, dairy farmers, fruit and vegetable growers, beekeepers, consumers, and countless others who are making their living off the land. We will keep listening and learning.

Over the next few months, we will be following up on some of the issues we heard from the public. They may be issues solving a “simple” problem or maybe it’s taking a stab at some long-term issues. For example, we heard that our granting programs are at times too complicated and cumbersome. Could we make it simpler to allow more to participate in programs with a simpler application? We are looking at this issue.

We also heard about maple. Some of the producers want more information on how the price of maple is set. Like the dairy world, understanding the price a producer gets for its product is complicated. We will do our best to get some answers. Are there any maple economists out there?

We were asked to investigate ag plastics. Some are frustrated that there is not a clear system to recycle plastic that’s used to wrap hay or plastic that’s used by fruit and vegetable farmers. We will explore this issue this summer.  If you have some ideas share them with us.

These are just a few issues we discussed in our statewide listening tour. There were many more including recovering from the severe weather that dominated Vermont ins 2023. As we head into a new growing season we will continue to work with farmers on recovery. Several private groups and the Agency are doing their best to raise dollars for farmers. We are grateful for all those involved in Dig Deep Vermont. This group is raising money and distributing grants to farmers hurt by the flooding and severe weather. You can learn more by visiting  www.digdeepvt. This campaign will run into the summer hoping to help farmers get to a better place. Please reach out to us to learn more.

There is a lot to do as we head into a new growing season. Wishing you a quiet and productive spring and keep feeding us suggestions so we can make Vermont a better place to live, work and play.


Anson Tebbetts signature


Anson Tebbetts                                                              


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