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Suicide Prevention - Many Ways to Help

By Juana Lopez, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets 

The health and wellbeing of employees should be one of the main priorities of the workplace. In order to create a safe environment, mental health concerns, trainings and resources should be provided and ensured since the beginning. There are organizations within states that are willing to lead in trainings and create awareness on this topic.   

The Center for Health and Learning offers trainings in-person and online, to Vermont and beyond.  At times it can seem difficult to talk about suicide prevention or try to navigate how you can help someone in need. Organizations like the Center for Health and Learning and Farm First are there to let you know you are not alone.  

I had the opportunity to speak directly with Kathleen Kilbourne, who is the executive Director of The Center for Health and Learning on the subject. The Center for Health and Learning also known as the CHL, is a mighty statewide team that works on reducing the stigma on suicide, substance use, and mental health. Kathleen stated that conversations on mental health need to become more widely accepted and talked about.  CHL’s vision is to make mental health awareness and prevention accessible and equitable to all. Trainings have been held in different settings such as schools, nonprofits, and even at constructions sites. Before and after the trainings, CHL conducts surveys to see the impact it has and through the data it shows that it does have an impact on one's knowledge on suicide prevention. Having knowledge on resources like the Suicide and Crisis Line 9-8-8, a 24/7, free, and confidential resources can help those in need.  

The Center for Health and Learning was able to collaborate with Farm First in order to create Umatter Suicide Prevention Trainings that were specific to the agriculture and farming community, thanks to grant funding from the Vermont Department of Health. Farm First, a Vermont-based program tries to tackle these issues by providing farm owners with confidential and personal services that best suits their needs including but not limited to financial or family concerns, illness, depression, alcoholism, etc.  

Farm First have hosted four Umatter Suicide Prevention Trainings at the Agency of Agriculture, Foods, and Markets that were available in-person and online. Participants were able to learn the basic knowledge and skills of suicide prevention including myths and attitudes, sensitive language, risk factors and warning signs, considerations for populations at risk, examples of what to do or say, and resources. They also learned how to use behavior practice techniques that can be used in the agriculture community when they may come into contact with someone who presents suicide risk.   

According to the Vermont Department of Health, “suicide is the 9thth leading cause of death, with the rate (classified as per, 100,000 Vermonters) in 2021” (Vermont Vital Staticitics, 2021).  Over the past 15 years, Vermont’s suicide rate has consistently been higher than the U.S rate (Vermont Vital Statistics, 2008-2022).  

Suicide is a major public health concern and is among the leading causes of death in the United States. It is the act of intentionally taking your life.  

Some warning signs of suicide include (not exhaustive):  

  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose 
  • Talking about being a burden to others 
  • Talking about taking one owns life 
  • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs 
  • Acting anxious, agitated or recklessly 
  • Sleeping too little or too much 

What to do:  

  • Do not leave the person alone 
  • Remove any weapons or substances that they may possess 
  • Contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988 (free, confidential, 24/7) 
  • Contact local designated agency or call 911 for immediate emergencies 
  • Text VT to 741741 

The number one protective factor is human connection. Protective factors include talking to friends, families, neighbors, farm first, and CHL that support resilience and help people through stressful events.  

How can the media report on these situations more responsibly? Some recommendations include:  

  • Reporting suicide as a public health issue 
  • Include resources, such as hotlines and treatment resources (Crisis Text Line and National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988) 
  • Call or text 988 
  • Use sensitive language when talking about Suicide  
  • Consider which details are truly newsworthy and in the best interest of the family and community.  
  • Emphasize Help and Hope, stories of recovery through help seeking and positive coping skills.  
  • Ask an expert such as suicide prevention or mental health experts if you have any questions or concerns. 
  • Contact Farm First for any questions, information or assistance in creating a plan that fits your needs when addressing mental health, suicide prevention or other concerns.   
  • Call (802)-318-5538 
  • Farm First are able to provide up to 12 free counseling sessions with a counselor that fit the needs of the farmer. 
  • Contact The Center for Health and Learning if you any questions or concerns on Suicide Prevention and awareness or want to host or take part in any training opportunities.  
  • (802)-254-6590 

Responsible reporting is important because it allows information that is brief and accurate to be shared without it traumatizing or triggering people. 

When it comes to mental health and suicide prevention, one can play a role by staying connected with those around you. You are not alone, there are organizations that are able to help you. In times of crisis, Vermont is always trying to find grass root solutions to pull together. We all matter including you. WE ALL HAVE MENTAL HEALTH.   

For information on mental health experts and resources in Vermont, please visit: Center for Health and Learning Vermont Suicide Prevention Center  Farm First website  Facing Suicide Vermont website 


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