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Root 5 Farm - CSA Box Pack Crew

Contact: Danielle Allen         

Phone: 802-923-6339


Farm: Root 5 Farm     

Job Title: CSA Box Pack Crew

Job Description: 

  • The CSA box pack crew plays an essential role on our farm by building boxes of our vegetables and other local products, helping us create over 400+ beautiful custom packed CSA boxes each week so we can deliver them to our community.
  • We've developed an organized, simple, efficient packing system, so our CSA box pack is a fun, low-stress work environment.

  • A person that excels in this role is a team player, has attention to detail, and the physical stamina to perform repetitive tasks while moving on their feet for up to 5 hours.

Job Duration: Seasonal - Mid April - Late November


  • Part-time, Tuesdays and Friday mornings, 7am-noon, minimum 10 hours/week. Opportunities to work additional days or hours if interested. Late April-late November $17/hour

Housing: No

Included: N/A   


DISCLAIMER:  The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (AAFM) compiles farm employment opportunities on its website from external sources as a courtesy to farms and prospective employees.  AAFM does not have a role in farm employment, and offers this resource as a potential means for farms and prospective employees to connect.  AAFM does not create the posted information, does not evaluate its accuracy, and does not vet or endorse prospective employers or employees.  All related information is strictly provided by external sources and AAFM does not control, maintain, or verify the underlying information or claims.  AAFM is not responsible for the accuracy of the content on this site, and is not responsible for the accuracy of any content that any external source shares or posts in any other forum, site, or place.  Any use of the information on AAFM’s website is voluntary, and all users must perform their own due diligence and independently evaluate any posted opportunity and the accuracy of any related claims. Neither the State of Vermont nor AAFM is responsible for any of the employment-related materials, information, or services posted on AAFM’s website, available through third-party linked sites, or available from any other site or place.  This effort to connect potential farm employers and employees does not create any direct or third-party rights or obligations, and any use of the information is exclusively at your own risk.