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Protecting Soil Health to Increase Climate Resilience for Vegetable Farms

Protecting Soil Health to Increase Climate Resilience for Vegetable Farms

Date: 2025-02-15

Time: 9-5

UVM campus

Description: There are multiple strategies farms can employ to manage the risks of the changing climate including adopting conservation practices, crop diversification, business planning, and utilizing crop insurance. This session will focus on a key adaptation strategy to mitigate the impacts of climate change for vegetable farms- protecting and enhancing soil health. Caro Roszell, Soil Health Program Manager at American Farmland Trust, will share the associated risks of increasing precipitation and temperature on soil quality and explore practices to reduce the impacts and increase farm resilience. Commercial vegetable farmers - bring your stories, experiences, successes, challenges to share with the group as we learn together what is working on farms around the region. We’ll also provide an overview of two USDA crop insurance options for specialty crop producers. This workshop is intended for commercial specialty crop farms and counts as One Water Quality Education credit required for VT RAP certification.

Organized by: NOFA-VT

To learn more, contact:
Nancy LaRowe 802.419.0075


Event Date