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HPAI Related Animal Health Safety Concerns and Wild Birds

By Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets & Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife 

Recent detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry flocks and dairy cows in other states have raised concerns about the possible transmission of the virus by wild birds that may come into contact with Vermont dairy cattle and other farm animals.  There have been no detections of the HPAI virus in dairy cattle in Vermont.  HPAI has been found in domestic poultry on two occasions in Vermont in recent months.  HPAI has been detected in wild waterfowl in Vermont. 

It is important to note that the occurrence of HPAI in dairy cattle does not result in severe disease in the cows.  Pasteurization has been shown to be very effective in eliminating the virus in milk.  Currently, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is running an on-farm milk sampling program to discover any unknown HPAI infections in dairy cattle.  To date, there have been no detections in Vermont. 

The primary recommendation for protection of dairy cattle from possible exposure to the virus is maintenance of a high level of biosecurity.  There is a risk of farm animal infection from wild bird interactions, direct or indirect, but it can also be introduced by human or animal movements on and off the farm.  People who may work with or visit multiple livestock and poultry operations should ensure clothes, shoes, exposed skin, vehicles, and equipment are cleaned properly between sites. Efforts should be made to prevent exposure of dairy cattle to wild birds, especially waterfowl.  

Dairy cattle and all domestic farm animals should be prevented from watering in locations where waterfowl congregate.   

Farms can take steps to exclude all birds as much as possible from dairy barns through increasing use of screening at eaves, installing bird barriers and roosting deterrents, or scare devices.  Farms can take steps to reduce attractants such as excess feed left where birds can access it.  

More information on non-lethal bird management is available at in the publication “Bird Dispersal Techniques”.  

Federal and State laws protect wild birds. Killing or harming wild birds, including migratory waterfowl, without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department can lead to enforcement and penalties.  Obtaining these permits is possible but is a lengthy process that requires demonstration that non-lethal methods have been tried and are not effective.   

Documented cases of HPAI in wild turkeys are rare, and HPAI has not been documented in Vermont wild turkeys to date.  If you are experiencing conflicts with non-migratory wildlife such as turkeys or any other wildlife species contact your local game warden, leave a message at 802-828-1000, or email the Fish and Wildlife Department at  Permission is required prior to removing wildlife.    

Pigeons and starlings may be controlled under a permit issued by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets.  Currently these birds are not known to be a source of infection of the virus to dairy cattle or other animals.  

Permits for the use of registered pesticides for these species can be obtained from the Agency by certified private applicators or licensed pest control companies.  Once a permit has been obtained, all directions for use of the pesticide must be strictly followed, which will include pre-baiting of the area under management, and procedures to avoid harming migratory birds.  The permit does not provide any protection from liability for incidentally taking or harming non-target bird species. 

The Vermont Rule for Control of Pesticides (the Rule), § 6.04 details the application process for a permit authorizing the use of a pesticide for the control of birds. No person may use a pesticide to control birds or other animals without first obtaining an approved permit from the

Vermont Agriculture Secretary (Rule § 6.04(a)).  **Note: if you are using a non-pesticidal bird repellent then this § 6.04 Bird Permit is not required (Rule § 6.04(g).  

As part of the permit process, the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Vermont Department of Health will be notified.  Permits for the control of starlings and pigeons have been issued previously to licensed pest control companies and the USDA Wildlife Services unit.  Farmers may wish to contact a licensed pest control company or the USDA Wildlife Service for information on how to obtain their services to manage these birds. 

For more information about the Agency’s § 6.04 Bird Permit, or the Rule in general, please do not hesitate to contact the Agency’s Public Health & Agricultural Resource Management Division at or (802) 461-7160.  

Contact: Dave Huber | Deputy Director | Public Health & Agricultural Resource Management Division (PHARM) |  

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