by the Vermont Hemp Program
August 4, 2021 | Montpelier, VT - Vermont hemp producers know that making high quality products is one of the ways that Vermont can compete in the national market. Producing high quality hemp products start with good cultivation practices in the field, greenhouse or indoors and continues through harvest, storage, and manufacturing. The Reducing Risk in Hemp Production FAQ shares common risk reduction strategies that apply to other agricultural products and includes how to identify sources and prevent potential contamination, as well as suggested employee health and hygiene measures on the farm. While not regulatory for hemp growers and processors, the industry can learn how to prevent contamination from these existing regulatory frameworks.
To check out Reducing Risk in Hemp Production FAQ and other resources, please visit the hemp resources and guidance page at agriculture.vermont.gov/public-health-agricultural-resource-management-division/hemp-program/hemp-resources-and-guidance.