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Specialty Cheese Market Research Report

In response to a work request issued by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets, Atlantic Corporation (Atlantic) performed extensive market research on specialty, artisan, and farmstead cheese to determine market conditions, trends in consumer demand, and current distribution channels and to outline the most advantageous strategies for cheesemakers to be competitive in a global market. This research summation report consists of results of the following tasks that are described in detail in the subsequent sections:
  • Conduct a detailed global review of existing industry and trade research to determine the precise sizing of the international artisanal cheese industry, including market statistics, economic insights, a breakdown of industry product segments, key market and industry trends, and analyses shaping the direction of the market.
  • Administer a survey across five northeastern states to assess consumer attitudes and preferences about specialty cheese, including willingness to pay and optimal price points, where they purchase specialty cheese, and the type of packaging that appeals most to them.
  • Conduct a qualitative business to business assessment to describe products, pricing, and packaging among Vermont and Massachusetts specialty cheese producers and retailers, and to identify areas of additional research needed to determine the most successful sales channels and marketing strategies.
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