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Dairy Section Complaint Submission for Milk Production and Quality

Complete this form and submit it, and/or use it as a guide to call us at 802-828-2433. Whichever way you choose to report, it is important that you supply us with all the known facts. Doing so allows us to respond in the most appropriate manner.

Do not report the same complaint multiple times.

PLEASE NOTE: Submittal of a dairy complaint here is only for food safety and quality purposes involving the production of milk on dairy farms, transporting of milk, and processing of dairy products.  If you have a complaint about manure applications or water quality concerns, please utilize the Water Quality complaint form on the website.

To submit a Complaint Report, please complete the following: ( * = required field )

Type of suspected violation
In order to receive confirmation that your complaint was submitted to the Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets’ Enforcement Section, and to get a copy of your completed form, please enter your e-mail address below. If you wish to remain anonymous, leave the following fields blank, but then you will not be contacted for further information or updates.
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