Successful No-Till Production Systems for Organic Vegetable Growers
Date: 2025-02-16
Time: 9-4
UVM Davis Center
Description: In this intensive workshop, Daniel Mays, author of "The No-Till Organic Vegetable Farm", will present on the no-till methods utilized on his farm, Frith Farm, in Scarborough, Maine. Topics will include bed formation and maintenance, uses of compost and mulches, intensive cover-cropping, undersowing and interplanting, tarping, fertility management, integrating perennials and livestock, and more. Daniel will share the economic side of Frith’s no-till production, as well as insights on labor and the importance of a holistic approach to farm management. Come learn about one example of how to gross over $100K per acre without tillage, weeds, or pesticides, while prioritizing quality of life! We will also hear from a panel of Vermont farmers about their experiences, successes, and challenges when utilizing or transitioning to no-till methods on their farms. We highly encourage growers who are just beginning to implement or have considered transitioning to no-till growing methods to attend this workshop, as much of the learning will focus on designing No-till systems that fit your business' unique context. This workshop is specifically geared toward commercial growers, especially those who have at least some experience with, or basic understanding of, no-till principles and/or practices. This workshop will also earn attendees three RAP Agricultural Water Quality education credits.
Organized by: NOFA-VT
To learn more, contact:
Nancy LaRowe 802.419.0075