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Soil Health for Climate Resilience

Soil Health for Climate Resilience

Date: 2025-02-15

Time: 9-5

UVM campus

Description: This workshop is for the home gardener and large-scale veggie producer alike! Participants will receive training in how to use NRCS’s In-Field Soil Health Cropland Assessment using example scenarios, learn about soil health conservation practices including the use of biochar, and see a live demonstration of how cover crops increase infiltration and reduce run-off through an indoor rainfall simulator. NRCS funding opportunities for soil health practices will be discussed briefly. Participants will leave with a greater understanding of soil health and how to assess and improve the health of their soil. This workshop earns one RAP Agricultural Water Quality education credit.

Organized by: NOFA-VT

To learn more, contact:
Nancy LaRowe 802.419.0075


Event Date