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Future of Agriculture Commission Meeting

Future of Agriculture Commission public meeting

This public meeting on Monday September 13th 6-8 pm is for the agricultural community to provide input to the Governor’s Commission on the Future of Agriculture. This public input meeting is virtually hosted to allow participation across the state.


REGISTER in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. There are both online and dial-in options for joining.


The Commission is particularly interested in ideas and recommendations from stakeholders on the following questions about how State-level actions can help advance key goals across the sector:

  • What actions and strategies can the State advance to help ensure all Vermonters benefit from healthy nutritious food and a robust local food system?
  • How can the State best fuel agricultural business entrepreneurship, growth, and sustainability, so that Vermont food producers and businesses are profitable across a range of sizes, stages, and business models?
  • How can the State best attract and support the next generation of Vermont farmers?
  • How can the State help strengthen and support the Vermont brand?
  • How can the State work to ensure that Vermont’s agricultural sector is inclusive, diverse, and accessible?
Event Date