The Buzz About Cover Crops: How we can Feed the Soil and Wild Pollinators
Date: 2025-02-15
Time: 9-5
UVM campus
Description: This growing season, ten Vermont diversified vegetable farms tried season long sequential plantings of flowering cover crops. Cover crops were allowed to bloom to provide pollinators with pollen and nectar forage in addition to supporting soil health goals. We will talk about this work, ideas for cover crop varieties to plant, when to plant, and what is being learned about advantages and tradeoffs of this practice approach related to soil health and pollinators. Come explore if this might fit into your management practices and what opportunities there are to incorporating a similar approach on your farm. This workshop earns one RAP Agricultural Water Quality education credit.
Organized by: NOFA-VT
To learn more, contact:
Nancy LaRowe 802.419.0075