The Best Management Practices (BMP) Program provides assistance to farmers in the implementation of conservation practices to improve water quality. Practices eligible for BMP include:
- manure storage,
- composting stack pad,
- barnyard runoff collection,
- gutter/ditch clean water diversion,
- laneway development and stream crossings,
- exclusion fencing and watering facilities, and
- milk house waste collection and treatment.
Applications to receive technical and financial assistance through the Agency’s BMP Program are due April 1. While BMP applications can be submitted at any time, applications received prior to April 1 will be given priority consideration for assistance in 2023. Applications submitted after April 1 will be evaluated in the following calendar year. Submission of an application does not guarantee grant funding or assistance. Applicants will receive a response from the BMP program regarding their application status prior to July 2023.
Visit for more information on the BMP Program or to find an application. If you have any questions, or to request a BMP application by mail, please contact the AAFM engineer who works in your area (see table for details).