![Vermont Agriculture and Working Lands](/sites/agriculture/files/field/image/morse%20brook%20a.jpg)
The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is developing a series of in-person and virtual listening sessions for the agricultural community over the 2023-2024 winter. Our primary goal is to create space with Vermont’s agricultural producers, processors, and distributors; hear directly about their experiences, needs, priorities and concerns; and utilize this feedback to inform and guide our programs and future funding opportunities. We welcome your participation in one or more gatherings!
Post - Listening Session Follow Up (Update March 27, 2024)
The final listening session for this pilot series took place on Monday, March 25th 2024. We are now synthesizing the feedback we received, engaging in conversation with our partners, and will be developing formal follow up that will be shared internally and externally. As we are just beginning this process, we will have an updated timeline by the end of April, 2024.
Logistics and Feedback Form
It is our hope that future iterations of stakeholder engagement opportunities from the Agency will be informed by our experiences and lessons learned this past winter and experiences shared and feedback received during this pilot series. If you are unable to attend for any reason, or would like to offer additional thoughts or feedback on your experience attending, we welcome you to fill out this form, which remains open and accessible.
2023 - 2024 Listening Sessions
November 2023:
- Windham county (co-hosted with Food Connects)
December 2023:
- Chittenden and Washington counties
- State-wide virtual event
January 2024:
- Orleans and Essex counties (co-hosted with Essex and Orleans Natural Resources Conservation Districts)
- Caledonia and Lamoille counties (co-hosted with Caledonia Co. Natural Resources Conservation District and Center for an Agricultural Economy)
February 2024:
- Bennington county (co-hosted with Bennington Co. Natural Resources Conservation District and Merck Forest and Farmland Center)
- Addison county (co-hosted with Addison County Relocalization Network)
- Orange and Windsor counties (co-hosted with White River Natural Resources Conservation District).
March 2024:
- Rutland county (co-hosted with Vermont Farmers Food Center and Poultney Mettawee Natural Resources Conservation District)
- Franklin and Grand Isle counties (co-hosted by the Franklin and Grand Isle counties Farmers' Watershed Alliance and Franklin and Grand Isle counties Natural Resources Conservation Districts)
- Statewide, virtual event
If you have questions about this process or want to offer direct input, please reach out to Sarah McIlvennie at Sarah.McIlvennie@vermont.gov or 802-261-5866.