Fertilizer means any substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients that is used for its plant nutrient content and that is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant growth of health, except unprocessed animal or vegetable manures. The fertilizer program provides for the registration, inspection and analysis of all commercial fertilizer products sold in Vermont.
Soil Amendments, Plant Amendments and Plant Bio Stimulants
With the passage of S102/Act 41, soil amendments, plant amendments and plant bio stimulants need to be registered with the state of Vermont starting in December 2021. The registration fee is $85 per product. You can find more information here.
Fertilizer Sample Reports
The purpose of the inspection and analysis is to ensure that fertilizer users are receiving a product that meets the chemical guarantee specified by the labeling. The statutory authority for the program is found in 6 V.S.A. Chapter 28.
Penalties are assessed to manufacturers for products that are deficient in nitrogen, available phosphoric acid or phosphorous, and soluble potash or potassium content. The value of the penalty is based on the labeling guarantee percentage, the percent deficient and the total sample weight. If a product is consigned to a consumer, then the penalty is paid to that person. If no person is identified, then the penalty is paid to the Agency. No penalties are assessed for trace mineral violations. Annual analysis summary reports are available through the Agency.
Fertilizer Fees
Fertilizer manufacturers and dealers are required to register their commercial products with the Agency. The annual registration fee is $85 per product. The registration fees directly fund the sampling and analysis program. Fertilizer tonnage fees are also required. The fees are $.50 per ton for Agricultural products sold in Vermont and $30 per ton for non-agricultural products sold in Vermont, or a minimum of $150.
Fertilizer Labels
Per Vermont Statute, all fertilizer products sold in the state of Vermont must be registered with proper labeling. Please review our Fertilizer Product Label Registration Guidelines to make sure your label is compliant.
Fertilizer-Application & Forms
The Application for Registration of Commercial Fertilizers is used to register commercial fertilizer products. Please use this application for new products or product name, company name on the label, guarantee or ingredients. Please do not use this application to renew products. In November of each year we generate a computerized renewal form that lists the products that you need to renew.
Fertilizer Product Registration Application
Fertilizer Tonnage Reporting Form
For general questions concerning fertilizer products consult Association of American Plant Food Control Officials.
If you would like to know if a fertilizer product is registered in Vermont, you can search our database of Vermont Registered Fertilizer Products .
For Vermont specific questions consult our Frequently Asked Questions or call 802-828-5050 or email AGR.FeedSeedFert@vermont.gov.
Related rules and regulations
6 VSA Chapter 28 - Fertilizer & Lime Law
Vermont Fertilizer & Lime Regulations
Phosphorus Fertilizer Information - Turf
Act No. 37 (H.26) is the law regulating phosphorus application to turf in Vermont, which took effect on January 1st, 2012. This act regulates the application and retail display of fertilizer intended for commercial or residential use.
Note: Law only pertains to fertilizer labeled for TURF.
Golf Courses
Golf Courses are exempt from this law but are required to have a golf course nutrient management plan as part of their golf course permit.
Links for More Information
The Lawn-to-Lake Group – Vermont and Up-state New York Phosphorus Fertilizer Information
Fertilizer Reports
2018-2019 Annual Fertilizer Report
2019-2020 Annual Fertilizer Report
2020-2021 Annual Fertilizer Report
2021-2022 Annual Fertilizer Report