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Dairy Food Safety & Certification Grant

The Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC) announces the availability of funds through the Dairy Food Safety & Certification Grant program, which will provide grants for dairy farmers, processors, and/or producer associations to take actionable steps to improve the safety of dairy products. Projects funded through this program will support increased production safety standards with the goal of accessing new markets. Projects that increase marketability of dairy products will be prioritized. Activities covered by this grant include accessing technical assistance, audits, food safety plan development, training, testing fees, and certain infrastructure upgrades.

Dairy Business Viability and Technical Assistance RFA

The Dairy Business Viability and Technical Assistance Grant Program will provide grants for dairy processors, producer associations, supply chain businesses, and technical assistance providers to enhance dairy farmer and processor business operations and strengthen market opportunities. Projects funded through this program will coordinate technical assistance to benefit multiple dairy producers and processors with the goal of increasing consumption, sales, jobs, and diverse markets for regionally produced dairy products. Technical assistance services could include enhancing business plans, facility operations, marketing, distribution, processing, and product offerings. Grants are available to applicants in all Northeast states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

AAFM Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accountability Consultant RFP Addendum 1

The Request for Proposals for an AAFM Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accountability Consultant is hereby revised as follows: Page 6, Number 6, the link for Attachment C is incorrect.

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