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PES Working Group Final Report January 15 2023

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) is pleased to submit the ‘Payment for Ecosystem Services and Soil Health Working Group Final Report,’ as required by Section 3 of Act 83 (2019); Section 24 of Act 129 (2020); and Section 3 of Act 47 (2021).

Originating Agency: Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
Name of Report: Payment for Ecosystem Services and Soil Health Working Group Final Report
Body to which report is being submitted: Senate Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry.
Required Date of Submission: January 15, 2023
Statutory Reference: Section 3 of Act 83 (2019); Section 24 of Act 129 (2020); and Section 3 of Act 47 (2021)
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