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Deer Bait Sales Prohibited in Vermont

September 5, 2024


The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (the Agency) is reminding feed product retailers, dealers and manufacturers that they may not sell or manufacture any feed product that is used for baiting wild deer and large game.  The Agency assists Vermont Fish & Wildlife, who prohibits the use of animal feed products to bait white-tail deer and other game for hunting (10 App. V.S.A. § 37) by not registering such products and taking necessary action to prevent sale of such products. “Bait” is defined as “any animal, vegetable, fruit or mineral matter placed with the intention of attracting wildlife” but excludes “natural and artificial scents and lures that are otherwise not prohibited and are not designed to be consumed by eating or licking”. 

If a retailer has these products on their shelves, the Agency encourages retailers to contact the distributor to return these products, and to request distributors remove these products from the channels of trade in Vermont.  

If any of these products are found for sale in Vermont, the Agency will take appropriate action including but not limited to issuing a Stop Sale notice and removing the products from retail shelves.  Please feel free to reach out if there are any questions,