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NE-DBIC Update: Current & Upcoming Dairy Grants 

By Ali Boochever, Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center

At the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC), our goal is to help dairy farms and processors innovate to become more sustainable and resilient. Whether you’re looking for funding to purchase specialized equipment, to implement an innovative practice, or to receive technical assistance, consider applying for an NE-DBIC grant. Access full details and Requests for Applications online at  

Open Funding Opportunities:   

Dairy Processor Modernization Grant 

This grant program will provide funds to support dairy processors in modernizing their processing facilities for long term business viability. Projects funded through this grant will focus primarily on upgrading or adding specialized dairy processing or packaging equipment essential for business growth. Projects must address at least one of the following areas:     

  1. Expanded processing capacity: Adding or replacing equipment to scale growth, increase production capacity, utilize more regionally sourced milk, and meet market demand.  
  1. Increased facility efficiencies: Replacing outdated equipment to improve labor efficiency, reduce production costs, lower resource/energy usage, and enhance food safety.  
  1. Implementation of packaging improvements: Adding or replacing equipment to reduce packaging waste, minimize use of virgin plastics, reduce supply chain waste, or extend/improve product shelf life. 

Applicants will qualify into tiers based on milk utilized on an average production day, regardless of the number of days per week they process. Volume may differ based on the product made and processors should reference the volume measurement for their specific product. Volume is a measurement of inputs and not finished products. 

  • Tier 1: 10,000+ units of volume per average production day 
  • Tier 2: 1 – 9,999 units of volume per average production day 

Awards will range from $75,000 to $350,000 for Tier 1 and $15,000 to $150,000 for Tier 2, with a 25% match commitment. Approximately $1,200,000 total funds are available for this round.The application deadline is August 8, 2024, at 2 PM ET. 

New Dairy Processor Start-up Grant 

Grant fundsare available to dairy farmers and early-stage processors looking to diversify by adding processing to their operations. Funds may be used to purchase specialized dairy processing equipment and supplies, enhance food safety, marketing and branding, increased market access, and/or product development.  

Applicants must allocate part of their funds to receiving technical assistance or training as part of their projects. Applicants are strongly encouraged to engage in technical assistance activities like business planning, market research, or other relevant pre-work ahead of applying.    

The Request for Applications (RFA) will be released this month. Awards will range from $15,000 to $75,000, with a 25% match commitment. Approximately $500,000 in total funds are available this round.   


Upcoming Funding Opportunities:   

Innovation in Dairy Processor and Packaging Grant 

This grant will provide funds for dairy processors, dairy producer associations, and educational research institutions to conduct research and development projects that support innovation for Northeast dairy processors of various scales. Projects funded through this program will help dairy processors gain knowledge that will allow them to make informed, long-term business investments with positive environmental and/or economic impacts.   

Funded projects will focus on developing alternatives to current industry standards through initiatives that are applicable, scalable, and replicable to other Northeast dairy processors. Each project must include an educational or information-sharing component for other regional dairy processors. Projects should increase collaboration across the dairy sector to ensure the greatest number of businesses benefit. 

The RFA for this grant is expected to be released in August. Awards will range from $75,000 to $350,000, with a 25% match commitment. Approximately $1,500,000 in total funds are available for this round.   

Dairy Co-packing Grant 

This grant will provide funds for existing Northeast dairy processors to initiate new co-packing arrangements or expand existing co-packing capabilities. Processors who have not previously co-packed will be eligible for funds to add co-packing capabilities to their current business. Processors that currently co-pack will be eligible for funds to add new co-packing partnerships, scale up existing co-packing relationships, or add additional co-packed product lines.  

Applicants will be required to utilize technical assistance or training as part of their projects. Applicants are strongly encouraged to engage in technical assistance such as business planning, market research, or other relevant pre-work ahead of applying for this grant.Funds may be used to purchase specialized dairy processing equipment and/or supplies, increase food safety, marketing and branding, market access, and/or product development.  

The RFA is expected to be released in late 2024. Awards will range from $15,000 to $150,000 with a 25% match contribution.  

Find out more about these current and upcoming funding opportunities on our full funding calendar on our website at: 

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