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Online Locator for Agricultural Conservation Equipment & Services

By Ellen Friedrich, VT Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

Access to appropriate conservation equipment & services is essential to the successful implementation of many conservation practices on farms. It’s awfully tricky to plant a field of no-till corn without a no-till drill, or to seed cover crops without the appropriate equipment!

To help land managers connect with conservation equipment/services available to them within and around the state of Vermont, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets has created an online conservation equipment & services locator that can be found at The locator includes a spreadsheet and interactive map that showcase conservation equipment/services such as no-till drills, soil probes, and custom manure application or cover cropping services that are available for borrow, rent, or hire. If you or someone you know needs help locating conservation equipment/services available for rent or hire, please check out this resource!

We are eager to grow this list of conservation equipment/services so that it can better capture the extent of equipment & services available in Vermont. If you offer any equipment or services that you would like to feature on this resource, please fill out and return the “Submit New Equipment/Services” form located on the locator’s webpage. Listings are limited to equipment/services which can help land managers protect and promote soil health, water quality, or other natural resources. Eligible conservation equipment/services from both public organizations and private individuals/businesses can be included. There is no charge to feature equipment/services on this resource!

Contact Ellen Friedrich at 802-261-5629 for more information about the agricultural conservation equipment & services locator. 


No-Till Drill

No till drills are one of the numerous types of equipment featured in VAAFM’s agricultural conservation equipment & services locator.

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