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NE-DBIC: Looking Back at the Impact of Dairy Funding in 2023

By Katie Spring, Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center 

2023 was a big funding year for the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC).  With over 120 grants and contracts, the NE-DBIC awarded over $18.3 million across our 11-state region.  Over $5.9 million went to Vermont dairy farmers and processors. 

Two new grant programs stood out: 

With a focus on climate and community-forward production strategies, the Dairy Farm Innovation & Alternative Management Grant saw $1.07 million go to farmers to implement projects that enhance the resilience of our Northeast regional food system.  These projects range from studying and promoting extended lactation on goat dairy farms, creating a silvopasture grazing system, managing herds with geofencing, and more.       

The Existing Dairy Processor Expansion Grant awarded $12.2 million to 35 processors across eight states.  Over 3,200 dairy farmers benefit from this one-time catalytic investment, which stabilizes and expands options for their milk and increases the amount of local dairy on store shelves. 

Northeast dairy farmers and processors also benefitted from programs for on-farm milk storage and handling, marketing and branding professional services, dairy product innovation, dairy processing research and development, food safety and certification, and dairy cohort technical assistance.   

NE-DBIC's mission to increase innovation and resiliency for regional dairy production continues into 2024, with more funding opportunities available across the Northeast.  Learn more about the NE-DBIC impact at 

molly brook cows

Caption: Molly Brook Farm received funding through the Farm Innovation & Alternative Management grant for a collar monitoring system for their herd.

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