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Advanced Wood Heating Program Assistance Available


By Molly Willard, VT Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation

Vermont Energy Investment Corporation and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation have partnered to offer a program that supports Advanced Wood Heating assessment for businesses in Vermont. The program pays for experts/engineers to provide outreach and technical assessment services to Vermont businesses to evaluate installing modern wood heating systems. The Vermont Housing & Conservation Board and the Rural Economic Development Initiative programs can provide the grant writing needed for the businesses to get funds for the Architectural Heavy-Duty Wall Heater system installation and purchase after the technical assessment is complete.

What does the Advanced Wood Heating Program provide?

Offering no-charge initial assessments - Just send us 3 years of heating fuel records and we will provide a “first look” assessment of the savings opportunity

Providing in-depth “prefeasibility” studies at no charge–We can also conduct a site visit and a prepare more in-depth report detailing the costs, savings, and specific design considerations.

Connect to project funding- If you decide to pursue a project, we can help you access funding opportunities and grant writing assistance with partner organizations and agencies.

For more information, contact Molly Willard via email at or by phone 802-261-1681.

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