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View From 116 - September 2023

flooded farm

Since our last publication Vermonters have been hard a work recovering from the great flood of 2023. While some regions were spared, just about every corner of Vermont was hit hard with this flood. From downtown businesses to flooded farms, this was by all accounts an historic flood.

Agriculture is facing strong head winds as our producers and farmers try to recover from this flood. As I write this the damages total millions of dollars. The Agency of Agriculture conducted a survey in August and the early results were astounding. Less than two weeks of reporting told the story in dollars.

Summary of Statistics 


Number of responses 


Total estimated losses 


Total impacted acreage 


Average percentage of annual income lost 


These are preliminary figures and later this month we should have a clearer result. The Agency has established a task force to help with short term needs and long terms of our farmers. We are fortunate to have a host of state and federal partners working on this panel. The group will be co-chaired by the UVM Extension Service Director Roy Beckford and Nicole DuBuque of the Agency of Agriculture. They will issue a report that will help Vermonters recover from this flood.

We are also working closely with Governor Scott and the state’s chief recovery officer Doug Farnham. They have toured farms, flooded homes, and communities so they have seen the devastation firsthand.

Along with the Governor, we will make our case to Congress we need additional help outside the existing programs. We know it will take multiple strategies to help recover. Vermonters are Vermont Strong and tough. They know the challenges before them and are ready to make progress one step at a time.

We are grateful for all those who are not farmers who have stepped up to support our food system. Thousands have donated dollars to funds that are supporting farmers and producers. They know farmers have always been there for them and now they want to give back.

Vermont is open and we are spreading the word to those from away now is the time to visit Vermont. Tourists can support Vermont by visiting and spending their vacation dollars in the Green Mountains. Vermonters are ready for this challenge but it will take all of us pulling in the same direction. As the saying goes “We are Vermont Strong” and “tough”


Anson Tebbetts | Vermont Secretary of Agriculture         

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