2022 Vermont Target Pests
Here is a listing of Target Pest surveys the Agency carries out through the spring and summer with funding from the CAPs Program and in coordination with USDA- APHIS.
Exotic Wood Borer/Bark Beetle Survey
Nursery Pest Survey
The purpose of the Nursery Pest Survey is to detect new infestations of targeted economic and environmental pest species at low population levels.
- Agrilus biguttatus (Oak Splendor Beetle)
- Lymantria Mathura (Rosy Moth)
- Trichoferus campestris (Velvet Longhorned Beetle)
- Monochamus urussovii (Black Fir Sawyer)
- Hylobius abietis (Large Pine Weevil)
Pine Commodity Survey
The purpose of the Pine Commodity Survey is to detect new infestations of targeted pine commodity pest species at low population levels.
- Monochamus urussovii (Black fir sawyer)
- Hylobius abietis (Large Pine Weevil)
- Panolis flammea (Pine Beauty Moth)
- Tetropium castaneum (Black Spruce Beetle)
- Tetropium fuscum (Brown Spruce Longhorned Beetle)
Christmas Tree Pest Survey
The purpose of the Christmas Tree Pest Survey is to detect new infestations of targeted Christmas Tree pest species at low population levels.
- Hylobius abietis (Large Pine Weevil)
- Monochamus urussovii (Black Fir Sawyer)
- Ips sexdentatus (Sixtoothed Bark Bettle)
- Ips typographus (European Spruce Bark Beetle)
- Tetropium castaneum (Black Spruce Beetle)
- Tetropium fuscum (Brown Spruce Longhorned Beetle)
Additional USDA-APHIS Surveys
In addition to the CAPS sponsored surveys, the Agency also conducts two other USDA-APHIS sponsored surveys: an Exotic Wood Borer/Bark Beetle Survey and a Phytotopthora romorum (Sudden Oak Death) Survey.
Exotic Wood Borer/Bark Beetle Survey
The purpose of the Exotic Wood Borer / Bark Beetle Survey is to detect new infestations of targeted EWB/BB pest species at low population levels. The goals of the national survey are to obtain information
- The presence, distribution, or absence of the target species,
- The distribution of additional exotic wood borer and bark beetle species,
- Patterns of distribution throughout the United States and possible pathways for introduction of target and other exotic wood borer and bark beetle species,
- The phenology of target species in the United States and their selection of hosts.
- Hylobius abietis (Large Pine Weevil)
- Monochamus urussovii (Black Fir Sawyer)
- Ips sexdentatusi (Sixtoothed Bark Beetle)
- Ips typographus (European Spruce Bark Beetle)
- Tetropium castaneum (Black Spruce Beetle)
- Tetropium fuscum (Brown Spruce Longhorned Beetle)
Phytophthora ramorum Survey
Phytophthora ramorum is a harmful pathogen that can cause mortality in several oak tree species and also causes twig and foliar diseases in numerous native and non-native ornamental plants, shrubs, and trees within the United States. Through ongoing surveys, APHIS-PPQ continues to define the extent of the pathogen’s distribution in the US and limit its artificial spread beyond infected areas through quarantine and a public education program.
In cooperation with USDA and in furtherance of it’s goals to detect and limit the spread of this pathogen, the Agency surveys a variety of nurseries in different counties across the State.
For more information, please click on the following link: USDA Phytophthora ramorum.