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Livestock Exemptions From Inspection

NOTE: meat derived from livestock that are slaughtered and/or processed under any of the exemptions below cannot be sold and cannot be used for trade or barter

All livestock is required to be slaughtered and processed at a state or federally inspected establishment unless it is produced under one of the exemptions below.

Each of the exemptions has an explanation of the allowable slaughter activities and criteria that must be met in order for an individual or person to operate under these exemptions.

USDA Guidelines for Livestock Exemptions
Roadmap to Slaughter and Processing Activities
Power Point Presentation on LIvestock Exemptions to Slaughter

Personal Use Exemption

Allows for an individual to slaughter and/or process animals owned wholly by him/her.

The meat from these animals is exclusively for use by him and members of his household, non-paying guests and employees, and cannot be sold or bartered. The Individual Exemption does not apply to the slaughter of animals owned wholly or in part by another individual or person.

“On-Farm” Personal Use Exemption

Allows for a person or persons to purchase a live animal from a farmer, and then to slaughter it on the farm where it was purchased. The meat from this animal is exclusively for use by the owner(s) of the animal and members of his/her household, non-paying guests and employees, and cannot be sold or bartered. The “on farm” personal use exemption does not apply to the slaughter of animals owned wholly by another individual or person.

Custom Exemption

Allows for a person to provide slaughter and/or processing services to others who own the food animals either wholly or in part.  This includes animals with multiple owners. The meat from custom slaughtered animals is exclusively for personal use by the owner(s) of the animal, members of his/her household, employees and non-paying guests, and cannot be sold or bartered.  The product must be marked “NOT FOR SALE”.

Frequently asked questions about exemptions


On-Farm Slaughter/Raw Milk Forum - May, 2021

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets held a virtual forum on May 26th, 2021, with Section Chiefs from Dairy and Meat Inspection to answer questions about the regulations covering on-farm slaughter and the selling of raw milk. The virtual forum provided a quick overview of information, but more importantly, the ability to ask questions in an open and welcoming setting.  Below is the recording of this forum.  The information regarding on-farm slaughter begins at 00:28 and extends to 28:29 in the video.