Seven Vermont 4-H'ers qualified to compete at the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships this summer in Grand Island, Nebraska. Members of the muzzleloader team and their coaches (Front row, left to right) are assistant coach Kandy Petty, St. Johnsbury; Colton Masure, St. Johnsbury; Taylor Tetreault, Groton; Audrey Chairvolotti, Grand Isle; and coach Doug Petty, St. Johnsbury. Back row: The .22 small bore pistol team includes assistant coach David Hale, East Hardwick; Luke McReynolds, North Danville; Kenneth Beaupre, Orford, New Hampshire; Jackson Chairvolotti, Grand Isle; Hunter Smith, Westminster; and coach Paul Muzzey, Rockingham (photo: Lisa Muzzey/UVM Extension 4-H)